Trekking Ulassai Sardinia
Tisiddu TrailUlassai, in Ogliastra on the oriental center of Sardinia, is the ideal base for sports and nature lovers and for those looking for peace and quiet near to the sea. Ulassai is considered to be one of the most beautiful places of Sardinia, a paradise for trekking as well as for climbing.
Free time
Trail of Treasury
Tisiddu trai in Ulassai
A huge calcareous massif Bruncu Matzeu, which rises above the municipality Ulassai in the Valley of the River Rio Pardu River. It is located slightly more than 20 kilometres from the East coast of Sardinia, the pass is covered with wild vegetation, surrounded by oak forests, where waft aroma of arbutus and rosemary.
Hike begins at the center of Ulassai, the square in front of city hall, where you can see a map of local hiking trails. From the square we move towards the Carabinieri local command, and the knitting cooperative “Su Marmuri” We highly recommend you visit the workshop, wher weavers for more than 30 years dedicated to the passion of their work, masterfully revitalising the ancient art of loom.
Hike begins at the center of Ulassai, the square in front of city hall, where you can see a map of local hiking trails. From the square we move towards the Carabinieri local command, and the knitting cooperative “Su Marmuri” We highly recommend you visit the workshop, wher weavers for more than 30 years dedicated to the passion of their work, masterfully revitalising the ancient art of loom.

Products made of natural fibres, combines the traditional Sardynian design with new patterns developed in cooperation with local artists. One of them is Maria Lei, regarded as one of the most important living representatives contemporary Sardinian art.
Here begins climbing on the so called Monte Tisiddu – tower above Ulassai calcareous massif, which summit, known as Bruncu Matzeu, reaches 957 meters high. The first section of the trial is relatively steep. Hiking it takes about 20 minutes. Upon reaching the horizontal ledge you find the first junction. Turn left. A steep path leads you down the slope. After about 15 minutes you reach the top, which is a great viewpoint- you can see from here not only in the bottom and surrounding mountains of Ulassai, but also the entire eastern Sardinia – from the peaks of the Gennargentu mountain range to the natural monument, which is Perda e Liana; from the nearby Monte Corongiu to looming in Jerzu the distant Seven Brothers (Sette Fratelli) near Cagliari. You will see also Cote Tortolì and Arbatax. Note that Bruncu Matzeu is also a meeting place for geocachers from all over the world, who are searching for treasures. Not by accident Tisiddu trail called the “Trail of the Treasury.”
Majestic wildlife collocates here with secrets of past times. Legend says that in the first years of the 20th century, between the localities Gairo and Jerzu there was a train robbery. Gang extremely brave and skillful adventurers managed to steal a huge cargo of gold coins. Despite the intensive search failed to hit the trail with single Bandit, who had retired alive, hidden loot in local Tacchi, then fled, pursued by the gendermes.
Here begins climbing on the so called Monte Tisiddu – tower above Ulassai calcareous massif, which summit, known as Bruncu Matzeu, reaches 957 meters high. The first section of the trial is relatively steep. Hiking it takes about 20 minutes. Upon reaching the horizontal ledge you find the first junction. Turn left. A steep path leads you down the slope. After about 15 minutes you reach the top, which is a great viewpoint- you can see from here not only in the bottom and surrounding mountains of Ulassai, but also the entire eastern Sardinia – from the peaks of the Gennargentu mountain range to the natural monument, which is Perda e Liana; from the nearby Monte Corongiu to looming in Jerzu the distant Seven Brothers (Sette Fratelli) near Cagliari. You will see also Cote Tortolì and Arbatax. Note that Bruncu Matzeu is also a meeting place for geocachers from all over the world, who are searching for treasures. Not by accident Tisiddu trail called the “Trail of the Treasury.”
Majestic wildlife collocates here with secrets of past times. Legend says that in the first years of the 20th century, between the localities Gairo and Jerzu there was a train robbery. Gang extremely brave and skillful adventurers managed to steal a huge cargo of gold coins. Despite the intensive search failed to hit the trail with single Bandit, who had retired alive, hidden loot in local Tacchi, then fled, pursued by the gendermes.
Coming down from the top, after about 10 minutes you reach the junction. Properly marked path leads you to the first cave (perfect hideaway for gold coins?), To explore there you need a torch. From this place the hiking path runs plain and it should not be difficult task. After some time you again find a junction nearby ledge. If you go straight after 15-20 minutes you will come to the next cave known as Grutta de Is Janas. It rareness is in the unique beauty of rocks, suffuse with rays of sun. Due to the proximity of the more than hundred meter an abyss remember maintain extreme caution (especially if you are accompanied by children).
After visiting the grotto go back to the valley. The path leading there is well signposted. When you climb on the steep slope next go straight ahead. It is possible that you come across a herd of boars. But there is no reason for concern – the animals are tame and human presence not surprise them. This path, which you traverse, miners traveled in the past. After just 5 minutes quiet walk you entre on the path , which leads to Ulassai. There on the right side is a source of drinking water. Some 20 meters away lays a huge boulder that fell twenty years ago on the road 20 minutes is enough to return to Ulassai.
After visiting the grotto go back to the valley. The path leading there is well signposted. When you climb on the steep slope next go straight ahead. It is possible that you come across a herd of boars. But there is no reason for concern – the animals are tame and human presence not surprise them. This path, which you traverse, miners traveled in the past. After just 5 minutes quiet walk you entre on the path , which leads to Ulassai. There on the right side is a source of drinking water. Some 20 meters away lays a huge boulder that fell twenty years ago on the road 20 minutes is enough to return to Ulassai.
Free Time
Dettagli dell’escursione
• Punto di partenza: Ulassai
• Lunghezza percorso: 6,6 Km
• Tempo medio di percorrenza: 3 h
• Difficoltà: E
• Dislivello: 280 mPunto di arrivo: Ulassai
• Segnaletica: Sentiero ben tracciato, presenti cartelli
• Periodo consigliato: Tutto l’anno. In estate è consigliata la mattina.
• Note: Munirsi di buona dotazione d’acqua, specie per il primo tratto, e di una torcia.
• Lunghezza percorso: 6,6 Km
• Tempo medio di percorrenza: 3 h
• Difficoltà: E
• Dislivello: 280 mPunto di arrivo: Ulassai
• Segnaletica: Sentiero ben tracciato, presenti cartelli
• Periodo consigliato: Tutto l’anno. In estate è consigliata la mattina.
• Note: Munirsi di buona dotazione d’acqua, specie per il primo tratto, e di una torcia.
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